Using an FSA or HSA can be an easy way to save money on therapeutic massage. Massage can be a qualified medical expense as long as a doctor recommends it with a written prescription. Examples of illnesses that qualify include: carpal tunnel syndrome, stress, back pain, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression and pain management.
If you suffer from one of the above conditions (and who isn't stressed?), all you need to do to set up massage as a qualifying expense is pay a visit to your doctor. Let him or her know that you have an FSA or HSA and you'd like to use some of your funds toward massage for treatment or prevention of your condition. Once you've obtained the prescription, file it away in case you are ever asked to back up the expense. It's not necessary to bring the prescription to Squeeze, but you should use your FlexCard (if you have one) when booking your appointment. If you don't have a FlexCard, simply pay for your massages and turn in your receipts according to your policy for reimbursement.
Planning for next year? During the fourth quarter is when many people designate how much money to set aside in their FSA for the following year. In your financial planning, don't forget to include the cost of your Squeeze visits in the total amount. You also can set aside money for massage therapy for a spouse, if he or she has a qualifying medical condition. For each person, you could save $17 to $40 a month in taxes, and that's enough to relax anyone.