Lucky you! You can use your promo code at checkout when booking an appointment, purchasing a membership, or purchasing a gift. Note, some promo codes may only apply to an appointment, membership, or gift so please read the terms for your specific code. Look for the “Gift Code” or “Promo Code” box at checkout and enter it to apply your discount. Please note you will still need to enter a credit card to complete the booking even if your promo code covers the entire cost of the massage.
If you need to change the date/time of your appointment and it's outside of our cancellation fee window (12 hours ahead of appointment time), no worries! Just cancel the appointment and rebook for the date and time you wish. If you used a gift card code to book, its value will remain on your account and you don't need to enter it again. If you used a promo code, you can just enter it again on the Confirm and Book page and it will be re-applied to the new booking.
If you have a promo code that provides a discount across multiple months for a membership, the promo code will automatically apply every month. Please note all multi-month promotions will only be applied to active memberships. If you pause or cancel your membership, the promo code will no longer be applied to any additional months should you choose to resume your membership.